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Easily create and share beautiful, visual instructions with anyone, anywhere

Create and publish simple, useful, educational content on any device

Build interactive, step-by-step tutorials and instructions on any topic and create better learning content that's actually useful.

Learning on any platform

ShowHows helps you create and distribute better, clearer, simpler instructional content that’s genuinely useful for people with our step-by-step guide creator. Teach a new skill, simply explain a concept or process, demonstrate how to repair something, onboard a new employee, diagnose a problem or help with with step-by-step advice.

Help people help themselves

Provide self service help experiences and be there with helpful content at the right place and at the right time. Offer assistance or inspiration with simple interactive step by step tutorials, how-tos and user guides in the moment where people need help – no matter what device they’re on or channel they’re in.

No-code instruction builder

Re-purpose, re-use, re-mix. No technical skills necessary. Add images, illustrations or animated GIFs along with text to each step of your guides. Save time and money re-using your existing instructional content assets easily and quickly in the ShowHows platform instead of producing expensive video content every time. Embed your ShowHows anywhere on the web.

Show and tell

Always be useful. Create simple, lightweight visual and interactive training and microlearning content for your audiences that they’ll want to engage with.

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